Thursday, June 12, 2008

It's the last day of school!

I can not believe how quickly this school year went by.

I'm so proud of the kids. They both had a great year.

I went out today and bought them some balloons and cupcakes to celebrate the last day. I made them each a card.

As I was writing Laurens card, I couldn't help but to get a little emotional as this is her last year in elementary school. It seems like yesterday I watch her get on the school bus with her little back pack.....all I saw was her back, she got on that bus and never looked back. And, of course, I stood in the driveway crying. One more school year and I'm going to be the mother of a middle schooler.

It's hard to imagine my Matthew is going to K in Sept. What a big boy! He's my little buddy. I'm going to miss our time together in the afternoon; picking him up and getting in some time alone on the way to school.

The upcoming school year will be the only time ever that the two of them will be in the same school together. I'm glad they will have that time to share.

Monday, June 2, 2008

How Did I Get So Lucky?

My kids are just the best and I have to ask myself how I got so lucky.

Last night I had such a migraine, I thought I was gonna die. It was so painful.

Lauren kept asking me if I needed anything. She started to rub my head, then Matthew got into the action, they both wanted to rub my head.

I kept getting kisses and hugs.

I am so proud that I have two beautiful, loving, thoughtful and compassionate kids.

How lucky am I?