Tuesday, February 5, 2008

How was lunch? What lunch?

I got back from "lunch" today and my co-worker asked "How was lunch"? Lunch? What Lunch? My day starts at 6am. Rick wakes me up. I have 30 minutes to get the kids, up, dressed, teeth and hair brushed. (this is why showers and baths happen at night) we leave promptly at 6:30am. Drive to the other side of town (5 min) and pick up my nieces Nicole and Steph. Drive to the next town - Bristol - (15 min) drop off Nicole at High School, go up the street and drop off Matt at his day care provider. Then I Drive back to Warren. If it's a Monday, Wed or Friday, Lauren gets dropped off at a friends house to catch a ride to school for her chorus group (school is back in Bristol where we just were but it's too early to be dropped off) A Tues or Thurs she gets to come back home with me for a half hour. I get ready for work, we leave the house again at 7:55 where I will go 30 seconds up the road and bring Steph to Middle school. If Lauren is with me she goes to the bus stop for 8:20. I then go to work - I work in Somerset, MA. that is about 10 minutes from my house. I work until 11:45 and then leave to go get Matt in Bristol bring him to school in Warren and then come back to work (that is my lunch hour). Work until 5 and then go the next job at the cable company until 8:30. Lucky for me, Rick will clean and cook and do the laundry. I go home eat, make lunches and maybe watch some tv. Then start it all over again. Next year won't be so hectic. Both kids will be in the same school and we'll actually get to sleep until 7a. Matt will be in school for the full day. So when I get asked "How was lunch"? I have to ask....What Lunch?


KC said...

OMG I'm tired just reading that. So I can only imagine how you feel!
Gotta love motherhood ;) Just keep telling yourself..next year..next year. LOL

Caren said...

Oh gosh Lisa, I had no idea your days are so nuts. I don't know how you do it! Think magical thoughts of Disney :)