Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Visit to the Doctors

Today Lauren and Matthew both had their annual apt. They are both growing beautifully (those were the doctors words). Matthew weighed in at 40lbs and was 42 inches tall. Lauren weighed in at 67lbs and 55 inches tall. They said Matt was 50 percentile for both height and weight and Lauren was 50th percentile for height and 25th for weight. The skinny little thing! Matt got 3 shots and didn't even flinch. He's a brave boy. He also had a hearing and vision test which he passed with flying colors. So Matt is done with shots until he is 11. (I can't even imaginge him being 11) After the doctors visit I dropped Lauren off at school and I had my own doctors apt.

I had my very first mammogram. All I can say is OUCH!

I'm very proud of Matt because he had to sit outside the door all by himself. He was so patient. He's such a good boy.

1 comment:

Caren said...

Lisa, that picture made me laugh out loud!!!! I have never been lucky enough to experience a mammogram yet but you have me looking forward to it!! ;)

So glad the kids' appointments went well. WTG Matt!!!